Louisiana French - "Cajun French" with Ryan Langley
Louisiana French - "Cajun French" with Ryan Langley
Duration: 8 weeks (online)
Beginner: Monday from 7:00pm to 8:00pm (starts March 31)
False beginner: Tuesday from 7:00 PM to 8:00 pm (starts April 1st)
Course Description
Join us for an informative and fun beginner’s course in the French Language of South Louisiana. Learn the unique variety of French spoken by Louisiana’s Cajuns and other French-speaking communities. Emphasis will be concentrated on effective everyday conversation. The course includes greetings, basic communication, popular expressions, asking questions, topical vocabulary, basic verb tenses, differences from other forms of French and topics particular to students’ needs, all in a relaxed and fun atmosphere with time for in-class practice and discussion. No prior knowledge is required for the beginner’s level.
Our false beginner level is designed for students who have some background knowledge and want to continue learning the language or for returning students who wish to continue to learn the language and build on.
The course is $160 for AF members, and $195 for nonmembers (membership will be included with purchase) for 8 sessions.
The class will be immersed in the local French vernacular starting on day one, using Louisiana French in lively, engaging, fast-paced activities. In addition to the usual beginner themes such as greetings, weather, family, and physical description, students will learn structures and vocabulary they can use while celebrating Mardi Gras, which falls on the first Tuesday after the course ends.